G-ST Sam Unlock V7.5 What's new : Added new model support, Download mode FRP, New Security Bypass, BROM Boot Fix, New CPU Added. Gorontalo Android Utility by Gorontalo Technician Association is used to unlock Samsung devices. Compatibility Win 10/11 , Supported Features : Scan Port, Enable ADB, Reset FRP (Method 1), Reset FRP (Method 2), Factory Reset - 1, Factory Reset - 2, Open Browser, USB Manager, Device manager, Driver MediaTek, Driver Samsung, UsbDk_64bit, LibUSB_Win32, QLoader 9008
Samsung Unlock Tool 2023 v2.0
MTK Supported devices:
Samsung SM-A115F
Samsung SM-A115M
Samsung SM-A115U1
Samsung SM-M115F
Samsung SM-A705F
Samsung SM-A015A
Samsung SM-A015AZ
Samsung SM-A015F
Samsung SM-A015G
Samsung SM-A015M
Samsung SM-A015T
Samsung SM-A015T1
Samsung SM-A015U
Samsung SM-A015U1
Samsung SM-A015V
Samsung SM-A025F
Samsung SM-A025G
Samsung SM-A025M
MediaTek Supported Devices Process:
BOOT 1 : Turn off your device, Press the Volume Up and Volume Down buttons simultaneously, then connect the USB cable. BOOT 2 : Open the device's back cover., Find the TestPoint position and connect it, then plug in the USB cable.
QLM Supported devices:
Samsung SM-A103F
Samsung SM-A013G
Samsung SM-A022F
Samsung SM-A037M
Samsung SM-A107F
Samsung SM-A107M
Samsung SM-A125F
Samsung SM-A136W
Samsung SM-A136U
Samsung SM-A215U
Samsung SM-A225F
Samsung SM-A226G
Samsung SM-A315F
Samsung SM-A315G
Samsung SM-A325F
Samsung SM-A325M
Samsung SM-A325B
Samsung SM-A415F
Samsung SM-M017F
Samsung SM-M013F
Samsung SM-M022F
Samsung SM-M225F
Samsung SM-M325F
Samsung SM-E225F
Samsung SM-E426B
Samsung TAB 7
Samsung Non Qwerty
Qualcomm Supported Devices Process:
BOOT MODE : Open the device's back cover.
Find the Test Point position and connect it, then plug in the USB cable.
other tool :
G-ST Sam UnlockTool V7.5 , pass tuserhpdotcom
Note : disable antivir or add exclusions
TRY At Your Own Risk (silahkan dicoba, resiko tanggung sendiri)